Labor and Delivery

Labor and delivery can be very anxiety-ridden for many women; however, this anxiety can be significantly relieved if women learn about these events at their own pace and gain the confidence necessary to advocate for themselves.

It is also important for women to understand they have many options for how they would like to labor and deliver their baby.

However, labor is also incredibly unpredictable. Women should remain flexible, keep an open mind, and read more below to learn when and why HCPs may make certain recommendations.

Showing 22 topics
Labor and Delivery Introduction
One of the most important steps women can take toward a positive labor and delivery experience is to learn about it. When various aspects of childbirth are explained in more detail, women can understand the process much better and feel more in control.
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Preparing for Labor and Delivery

Birth Plan
Before writing a birth plan, women should first learn all they can about pregnancy, labor and delivery, all the options available to them, and how those options apply to their pregnancy – which may change near term or during delivery.
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Fear of Pregnancy and Childbirth
Women who are experiencing an intense fear of pregnancy or childbirth need to find a health care provider they are comfortable with so they can express their questions, fears, and concerns in a safe and nonjudgmental place.
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Types of Health Care Providers
Women may encounter many different types of health care providers during the course of their pregnancy. Women should familiarize themselves with the different types so they can be more comfortable with their health team.
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Starting Labor Naturally
Toward the end of pregnancy, women try various techniques to initiate labor. Unfortunately, based on current evidence, there are few methods that appear to have any beneficial effect.
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Bed Rest
Bed rest is a traditional method used by HCPs all over the world to avoid pregnancy-related complications that could be affected by a woman’s level of physical activity. However, current research greatly questions this practice.
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Membrane Sweep
A membrane or cervical sweep (or strip) is a “natural” technique used to potentially initiate the start of labor, with the main goal of preventing induction.
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Mucus Plug
When formed properly, the cervical mucus plug can protect the amniotic cavity from infection. The plug can fall out gradually or all at once, as well as weeks before labor or during labor.
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Labor and Delivery

Stages of Labor
The process of labor and delivery is split into four stages (previously three) which include the start of labor to full dilation, pushing to delivery, removal of the placenta, and postpartum recovery. 
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Induction and Augmentation of Labor
Induction is the process in which labor is started using medications and/or mechanical methods if it has failed to start on its own. Augmentation of labor involves utilizing methods to boost, speed up, or prevent a possible "slow down" of labor.
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Prostaglandins and Cervical Ripening
Prostaglandins are hormones that affect various aspects of the reproductive system to include the softening (ripening) of the cervix prior to labor and delivery.
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Contractions (and Start of Labor)
Although the instant identification of its start still alludes medicine, there is general agreement that true labor can be recognized through a regular pattern of contractions that continue to grow in strength and intensity, and eventually lead to cervical dilation and effacement. 
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Dilation and Effacement
Dilation (10 centimeters) and effacement (100%) must occur before the baby can pass through the cervix and vagina for delivery. However, this process cannot take place until cervical ripening occurs – which can start hours, days, or weeks before labor. 
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Eating during Labor
There is a strong lack of evidence that fasting during labor helps prevent complications. In fact, research appears to show that fasting itself can cause complications and a lack of dietary sustenance, especially in lengthy labors, may stress and exhaust women during labor. 
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An epidural is the most common form of pain medication used by women during labor and delivery and is considered very safe and effective. Women have various options available, from the type of epidural received to the dosage administered. 
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Rupture of Membranes (Water Breaking)
The rupture of fetal membranes (“water breaking”) can occur at any point during pregnancy, but normally occurs during labor and near full dilation. Only about 10% of women experience rupture prior to labor starting.
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Assisted Delivery
Assisted delivery (vacuum/forceps) is a phrase used for second stage of labor options designed to assist in vaginal delivery with the goal of preventing a cesarean section.
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Pushing occurs during the second stage of labor, which is full dilation to delivery. The length of time it can take women to push during this stage is affected by numerous variables. Some women may only need a couple pushes, while other women may need 2 to 3 hours.
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Protracted/Prolonged Labor
Formerly called dystocia or “failure to progress”, prolonged and/or protracted labor is associated with cesarean delivery, but HCPs have several options to assist labor progress to continue with vaginal delivery.
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Tearing (and Episiotomy)
Crowning – the term used for when the widest part of the baby’s head arrives at the vaginal opening – can cause some women to tear through various tissues in the vaginal, perineal, anal, and/or rectal areas (but not always).
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Cesarean Section Overview
Cesarean sections, in which the uterus is surgically cut open to deliver a baby, are commonly performed around the world as both planned and unplanned operations. Some women may even specifically choose a cesarean section without a medical reason.
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Cesarean Section Procedure
Cesarean section is one of the most performed surgical procedures in the United States and around the world. Women should be made aware of all risks and benefits associated with the procedure prior to delivery.
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